CASE STUDY “Abidjan Plateau”
Preview at the Noom hotel, a canvas of the ‘digital art signed VS-Factory
VS-Factory invites you to discover a project with which digital and artistic converge in a visual projection in Abidjan, during the preview at the Noom Hotel. This extraordinary communication space becomes a canvas for digital art, placing innovation and creativity at the heart of its identity, and thus contributing to enriching the cultural scene on a local and global scale. p>
This creation and promotion of this communication space in Abidjan for the preview of Noom constitutes an artistic statement resolved.
It proclaims the commitment to innovation, creativity and visual excellence. Every stroke, nuance and animation is meticulously designed to create a connection with the viewer, which can also arouse the curiosity of potential visitors.
Space becomes a patron of digital art, integrating this form of expression in its DNA, thus contributing to the cultural scene, unprecedented for the country.
This approach aims not only to captivate, but to establish a true emotional connection, making the hotel a space with which the art and unique architecture of this space intertwine to create an unforgettable experience.
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