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Nespresso: Innovative retail launch with VS-Factory (2010)


At the heart of the constant evolution of the retail sector, VS-Factory stands out once again with the launch of a revolutionary innovation for Nespresso. Our expertise in interactive design and innovative concepts was used to create a unique retail experience.


Imagined even before the Microsoft Surface, an avant-garde solution was developed by our team, having anticipated the needs of the retail market</ span>. We worked closely with partners to design a tool that goes beyond just the product. Our innovation allows the consumer to interact differently and directly with the Nespresso product. By placing the capsule, the story unfolds, creating a unique and engaging experience.


The key to our success lies in the SMART INTERACTIVE ARCHITECH (SIA) methodology. By strategically understanding our customers’ needs, we have created an interactive digital environment. We are proud to have developed a structured tool with our partners, now present on MK-HUB, allowing relevant staging in the world of retail and beyond.


In 2024, we continue to produce sales enablement concepts that we hope will revolutionize the industry. In the 5 key areas, our sales support concept stands as a strong pillar, propelling the industry towards new horizons.


We capitalize on our know-how to serve your brand.

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